6th defeat. It seems that Yannis goes home 8)
Hello my friend! So, Yannis goes home... And his home is Kalamata, a beautiful town in south Greece.
Well... the best present you can do to Yannis is to shake a scarf like this:

This is a kalamatianian scarf. The number 2 product of Kalamata after hashish.
People shake kalamatianian scarfs when they want to bounce or dismiss someone. And they sing this song:
ΛΑΜΠΡΑΚΗ-ΜΑΝΤΗΛΙ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΤΙΑΝΟYannis is a good man and i hope he will turn back some day. But i think that this day will not arrive soon because here in Ioannina we sing this song
ΑΛΕΚΟΣ ΚΙΤΣΑΚΗΣ - ΓΙΑΝΝΗ ΜΟΥ ΤΟ ΜΑΝΤΗΛΙ ΣΟΥThis song says "Oh little Johny, what (means why) do you have your scarf dirty, there at the desert foreigners (means abroad)?"
Well Yannis has his scarf dirty. The problem is not that we don't like dirty scarfs. We do like dirty scarfs because we are villagers too. And we are proud to be villagers.
The problem is that our president, doesn' t have o scarf to cry!

Well, maybe you are confused my friend. Just bring a kalamatianian scarf to Yannis and tie it up to his neck!