Μετά τη νίκη επί της Γάνδης, ο ΠΑΟΚ επικεντρώνεται στην έναρξη των πλέι οφ απέναντι στον ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα (13/3, 21:30),...
Ο Αλέξανδρος Πασχαλάκης ένιωσε κάποιες ενοχλήσεις στους προσαγωγούς στο ματς του ΠΑΟΚ με τη Γάνδη το βράδυ της Πέμπτης στην...
2024603950 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
20185619688 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
1958744629 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
27181296979 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
5337080805 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
234931809 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
2330100544 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
278293833 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
1784809085 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
16307999 - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content! Error message: `The requested resource cannot...
Στα Γιάννινα βρίσκεται αυτές τις μέρες, φιλοξενούμενος από τον γιαννιώτη φίλο του Αντώνη Σιόντη, ο Ολλανδός πρώην ομοσπονδιακός τεχνικός Τζον...